
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Online Classes Are Different

To Succeed In Online Classes You Must Do Some Things Differently

You Have To Approach Online Classes Differently

Online classes are convenient for students and professors. Online classes are also cheaper for schools because they do not have to maintain a physical classroom. In recent years for-profit companies have offered many online classes and non-profit schools have began using the internet to deliver more of their classes.

The trend toward online instruction will continue for the foreseeable future. While I would not say that online instruction will replace in-class instruction someday, I am confident that the days of 100% in-class instruction, are over. From now on, students will have at lease some of their instruction from online classes. 

The material that is being taught in online classes is the same as the material that is taught in the classroom, there are some differences in how the material is delivered and how the student learns online. Every online class has a forum where students and teachers ask questions and discuss topics. The forum replaces the in-person interaction the student would have in the classroom. It is very important that you actively participate in the forums. Do not hesitate to ask questions, answer questions, clarify projects requirements, and interact with others.

flexibility they offer. Generally, you can study anytime you want to as long as you complete the required assignments within the alloted time, you can get a top grade. However the fact that you are working on your own schedule means there is nobody to tell you how many pages to read every day or when to start working on your project. You have to be disciplined to succeed in online classes. 

When you actively participate in the forums you will have a better understanding of what is expected of you, you will retain the material being taught and you will be networking with potential colleagues. Additionally, by posting frequently and assisting classmates, the professor will know that you are putting effort into the class.  
One of the most attractive elements of online classes is the 

Identify times during the week when you study without distraction. Depending on the number of classes you are taking online, you may find that every Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and every Tuesday from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., you can consistently count on being able to study without distraction. Once you have identified study times, stick to the plan. Tell your family or roommates that you are off limits during those times. Plan ahead so that you don't have to do a last minute task instead of studying. You should be so consistent about studying at the same time, the only justification for deviating from the schedule would be a fire, family emergency or some other catastrophe. The fact the lawn needs to be cut is not a justification for skipping your study time. This is your education, your future do not let distractions steal your education from you.

Just as you set aside time to study, you should set aside a place to study. This can be your bedroom, the family room as long as it is quite when you will be studying. Set up the area with some file folders, a calendar to track assignment deadlines and quizzes or exams, a comfortable chair and your computer. The study area will be off limits to everyone else while you are studying. You will explain that to family, friends or roommates when you tell them about your study times. 
On a related note with discipline, stay ahead of the syllabus. If you have not attended college, a syllabus is the instructor's explanation of what is expected of students. The syllabus usually tells you when to read certain chapters and always provides due dates for assignments. After you enrol in an online class, you should get the syllabus as soon as possible. Print out the syllabus and keep it close to the area you are going to study in. 

Stay ahead of the syllabus, this is critical. Stay ahead of the syllabus so you can always participate in the forums because you will have already read the material. Additionally, if your ahead of the syllabus and run into problems with a particular subject matter you have the luxury of going back over the material or asking the teacher to provide additional guidance without falling behind. Staying ahead of the class is really the secret to distance learning, if you do this one thing, you will succeed in your online class. 

Let's recap, you can succeed in your online class if you actively participate in the forums, create a study schedule and place and most importantly stay ahead of the syllabus.
My degree blog Tips

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Financial Aid For Students Returning To College

Gates at Harvard University
Picture of Gates at Harvard, from Patricia Drury
For those students who are in high school and applying for financial aid, the process is pretty straight forward, however it will be covered in detail in another article. Suffice it to say that the applications and procedures are set up for those students and therefore it generally runs smoother.

My degree blog Tips

Focus Cultural Strengths To Improve College Success

Minorities are often at a disadvantage in college because their cultural values can interfere with obtaining a college degree. I submit this is because colleges and universities have done a poor job of meeting the needs of a diverse population. 

It is often stated that Hispanics are more likely to put family obligations above school. This doesn't surprise me because in my experience Hispanics are great at helping their brothers and sisters, even after adulthood. When a tragedy strikes they will band together to overcome diversity. A sister will prepare meals for a brother who loses his spouse, or brothers will look after a sister that lost a job. Family is paramount for Hispanics, which I believe that doesn't have to change to succeed in college. 

Hispanics can band together to make sure a brother or sister gets through college. In fact, every time a Hispanic who is capable of obtaining a college degree, foregos college a tragedy occurs. When Hispanics miss the opportunity to get educated, increase their voice in the community, and serve as mentors to other Hispanics, the entire community suffers. 

Although I am not aware of any studies that support it, I suspect that Hispanic mothers are reluctant to overly encourage their children to go to college because Hispanic mothers are paternal long into adulthood. I have friends who are in their fifties, they have children of their own and are grandparents, however every workday they go to their mom's house and eat breakfast with their brothers and sisters before going to work. I myself have spent many weekends with extended family at BBQs. 

The Western system of sending our teenagers off to college to live in another city or state, is contrary to the practice of maintaining close relationships into adulthood. One college in Riverside, CA has enjoyed success with a program that respected Hispanic culture and offered a dormitory that permitted Hispanic students to live together and share common areas. The Hispanic students who lived in the special dorm reported feeling more comfortable at school and better equipped to succeed in school. 

Hispanic students may want to focus their attention on local schools that they can attend without moving out of their parents house. By living at home while attending school, Hispanic students can benefit from the support of their parents and remain close to brothers and sisters while getting a college degree at the same time.  
My degree blog Tips

Monday, April 25, 2011

Becas tienen fechas en que las solicitudes deben presentarse

Las becas tienen plazos o fechas en que las solicitudes deben presentarse. El mejorconsejo es comenzar temprano. Tan pronto como usted ha identificado becas quedesea solicitar, usted debe hacer una nota de la fecha en un calendario. Imprima lasolicitud y toda la explicación de los requisitos de las aplicaciones, muchas becasrequieren que presentar un ensayo con su solicitud u otros artículos. Obtener loselementos en orden y presentar lo antes posible.

Su búsqueda de becas debe comenzar en el verano antes de su último año o la caídadel último año. Enero es un mes popular para los plazos de becas, a menudo se puedeutilizar las vacaciones de invierno para presentar sus solicitudes a las becas de los plazos de enero. Aunque habrá plazos, en febrero, los meses más populares son abril ymayo.

Hay miles de becas y millones de dólares disponibles para becas, no se sienten frustrados o abrumados. Salir y obtener su beca en la actualidad.

To read in English click here.
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

3 signos de una estafa en la industria de la educación

Es fácil asumir que el mundo académico, y las industrias de los alrededores son honestos, dignos de confianza y las industrias, sin embargo así como hay gente sin escrúpulos y las organizaciones en todas las industrias, hay tiburones en la educación superior también.Cuando yo estaba aplicando a la escuela de leyes, que aplican desde hace varios préstamos estudiantiles privados. Algo en ese proceso poner mi nombre e información de contacto en la "mezcla". De repente, yo estaba recibiendo llamadas de algunas personas muy resbaladiza ventas. Recuerdo específicamente un señor que la voz se distinguió, y sin embargo familiar, como un tío. Compartió su experiencia con la aplicación de su hijo a la escuela de derecho y me recordó que la compañía trabajó para puede proporcionar un préstamo estudiantil para reducir las diferencias entre el coste de la matrícula y préstamos federales para estudiantes. Era bueno en su trabajo, sin embargo, algunas investigaciones en línea reveló que la empresa que había trabajado para muchas quejas en el Better Business Bureau. 

Algunas áreas a ser particularmente escépticos se ayuda con la solicitud, becas, préstamos estudiantiles, y la tutoría o la preparación de exámenes. Aunque no tengo una fuente específica citar para esto, yo diría que las becas y la asistencia de aplicación son las dos áreas a ser muy alerta sobre. Estos son tres signos de que la organización es una estafa o menos legítima:

1. Dinero por adelantado  Las organizaciones que ofrecen becas legítimas no piden dinero por adelantado. Esto incluye asistencia para la búsqueda de becas. Una gran fuente libre para encontrar becas es rápida en Web, un sitio web que conecta a los estudiantes y padres de familia con becas. Usted puede ver aquí. Se tarda un par de minutos para configurar un perfil, sin embargo vale la pena el esfuerzo.

2. Nombres similares Organizaciones de estafa a menudo uso oficial nombres que suenan o nombres suena como una las organizaciones legítimas. Por ejemplo, Jefferson University y laUniversidad de Washington son las escuelas legítima sin embargo, hay fábricas de títulos que utilizan nombres similares. Una indicación de que se trata de una escuela esla legítima ". edu" en su página web. La ". edu" sólo se da a las escuelas legítimo.

3. Garantías
Alguna vez que alguien es garantizar una beca, un título o un empleo, tenga cuidado. Nadie puede garantizar una beca, el hecho es que una beca requieren y generalmente están diseñados para ser competitivos por lo que el donante sabe que el dinero va al estudiante que tiene más probabilidades de obtener un beneficio y defender los intereses del donante, un solicitante de posibilidades se basan en las calificaciones de los candidatos de otros y no puede ser garantizada. Este es también el caso de puestos de trabajo, muchas escuelas, especialmente escuelas de formación profesional, dicen que ofrecer "asistencia para la colocación".He visto escuelas que la promesa de asistencia para la colocación, pero después de haber pagado para la escuela y estudiando, se entera de que idea del asistencia para la colocación es imprimir los anuncios de clasificados de trabajos y publicar en la pared de la oficina de la escuela La conclusión es ser prudente, porque la educación superior es un noble empeño no significa que cada organización en la industria es noble. Hacer la investigación, pedir a los amigos y ver el Better Business Bureau, antes de involucrarse con una organización.To read in English
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